Mihail Gălățanu was born in 1963 in the Romanian city of Galaţi. He published his first book of poems,Stiri despre mine (News About Me, Bucharest: Litera) in 1987, his second, Scrîşnind în pumni (Keeping My Fists Tight, Galaţi, Romania: Porto Franco, 1993), six years later, and since then, the equivalent of a book of poetry or prose each year. Among recent poetry titles are Mormîntul meu se sapă singur (My Grave Digs Itself, Bucharest: Vinea, 2003) and, from the same publisher, Burta înstelată(The Starry Womb, 2005), from which these poems derive. Gălățanu was editor-in-chief of Playboy Romanian and a glossy monthly magazine, Flacăra; he currently edits a financial publication. (from Diode)
Deceiver's World
Mihail Gălăţanu
A Church of Chalk
(My Mother)
A Church of Chalk
(My Mother)
5. My Birth Is Endless
I never suffered claustrophobia. I never felt the least claustrophobic in my mother's womb. Neither lonely nor downcast. How can you feel lonely when you're inside another, a woman?
When another being takes you in, contains you?
At most, you can be
I never was a claustrophobe.
My life had a happy ending.
And my birth is endless.
I never suffered claustrophobia. I never felt the least claustrophobic in my mother's womb. Neither lonely nor downcast. How can you feel lonely when you're inside another, a woman?
When another being takes you in, contains you?
At most, you can be
I never was a claustrophobe.
My life had a happy ending.
And my birth is endless.
(The entire poem can be read translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Petru Iamandi for Asymptote Journal)
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Mesaj avantajos .....
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