Sunday, March 20, 2011

Literary Crossroads - New Scene Romania: poetry

Literarische Crossroads - New Scene Romania: poetry

Reading and discussion

New Romanian Poetry - 20 years after the change: change in perspective, different priorities, new forms of language. Between commitment and aestheticism: Razvan Tupa and Gabriel H. Decuble, two representatives of the younger Romanian literary scene in reading and discussion with Ulf Stolterfoht.
Chair: Corina Bernic

25th March 2011, 19 clock, artists Edenkoben

28th March 2011, 19 clock, bookshop Himmelheber, Heidelberg

More info can be found HERE.

"New Romanian Scene: Poetry" is the first stage of the project "Crossroads of Literature ", which will extend until the end of September, and present new poetry, prose and photography from Romania and Moldova to German audience with the help of German-known authors. The second stage of the project (fall 2011) is devoted to new fiction from Romania and Moldova and its visual transmission in photography (the reading of three authors from these countries will form the prelude to a photo exhibition)

This project was conceived by Corina Bernic, cultural manager from Romania and funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

New Romanian Poetry - 20 years after the change: change in perspective, different priorities, new forms of language. Between commitment and aestheticism: Razvan Tupa and Gabriel H. Decuble, two representatives of the new Romanian literary scene in reading and discussion with Ulf Stolterfoht. Chair: Corina Bernic

Razvan Tupa (b. 1975) - poet, cultural manager. Since 2005 he has hosted the weekly reading series poetics of the quotidian in Bucharest, Club A, which he developed in 2009 in the relational poetics. He published articles in Romanian newspapers and magazines (Evenimentul Zilei, Prezent, Max, Suplimentul de Cultura). Between 2005 and 2007, he was chief editor of Versus-versum, then from 2006 to 2008 editor of cultural magazine Cuvantul. He attended readings in Rome, Paris, New York, Berlin, Prague, Chisinau, Bratislava and Budapest. 2009, he released together with the poet Andrei Ruse the poetry film “Poezie.puterea” (Poetry.The Power) with 24 Romanian poets. He published “fetis” (2001) and “corpuri romanesti” (2005). Lives and works in Bucharest.

Gabriel H. Decuble (b. 1968) - poet, essayist, literary critic, translator. Decuble studied the Germanic and classical philology in Jassy, ​​Freiburg and Paris. Lecturer at the Germanic-Chair of the University of Bucharest University. Editor and co-author of the extensive memoirs of younger Romanian writers Pink Book of Communism (2004). Latest book of poetry : “Eclectica”, Bucharest (2007) German Language Publications: “inter alia Poetry” (Berlin Anthology, 2010) and theoretical writings. He translated works of world literature and philosophy from German (Meister Eckhart, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Adorno, Handke, etc.), English and French .

Ulf Stolterfoht (1963). Author, translator. In the spring of 2000. Ulf Stolterfoht has published numerous volumes of poetry and translations. His work has won many awards, including Anna Seghers Prize (2005), Christine Lavant Prize, Peter Huchel Prize (2008). He was Fellow of the Villa Massimo in Rome in 2007. Since 2008 He is visiting Professor at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig. Editor: Christoph Buchwald Yearbook of poetry (Fischer 2008). Among the new releases (selected): “wood smoke on Heslach. Poems” (Urs Engeler Editor, 2007), “technical language XXVIII-XXXVI. Poems” (2009), “the Nomentano-manifest” (2009) “ammengespräche. rough books” (2010).

This project was conceived by Corina Bernic, cultural manager from Romania and funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Admission: 7 €, reduced 4 €

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