Monday, October 29, 2007

October poetic

Lots of poetry events in October:
We had in Sibiu on 5th of October an European Marathon of Poetry. Andrei Codrescu says something here. It was great that the poet Andrei Bodiu managed to bring together 87 poets that read for since down (9 AM) till late in the night (around 3 Am) in:
- Portuguese (Paulo Teixeira),
- French (Jacques Jouet),
- German (Ernst Wichner and Herbert Maurer),
- Hungarian (Garaczi Laszlo and fom Romania Santha Attila and Kovacs Andras Ferenc),
- Dutch (Jan Mysjkin),
Polish (Dariusz Sosnicki),
- Romanian (Claudiu Mitan, Dan Mircea Cipariu, Cornelia Maria Savu, Viorel Muresan, Gheorghe Izbasescu, Nicolae Coande, Adrian Alui Gheorghe, Adrian Popescu, Florin Iaru, Radu Andriescu, Aurel Pantea, Gellu Dorian, Ioan Moldovan, Ilie Constantin, Santha Attila, Nora Iuga, Nicolae Sava, Mircea Tuglea, Iolanda Malamen, Marcel Tolcea, Traian Stef, Gheorghe Iova, Ioan Pop Barassovia, Denisa Comanescu, Gabriel Chifu, Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, Vasile Leac, Petru Iliesu, Ioan Es. Pop, Ioan Radu Vacarescu, Alexandru Musina, Nichita Danilov, Simona Popescu, George Vulturescu, Mihai Ignat, Ion Pop, Constantin Abaluta, Letitia Ilea, Dumitru Chioaru, Grigore Chiper, Ovidiu Nmigean, Mircea Cartarescu, Vasile Dan, Constantin Acosmei, Nicolae Prelipceanu, Andrei Codrescu, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Doina Ioanid, Ioana Nicolaie, Andrei Bodiu, Caius Dobrescu, Gheorghe Ene, Emilian Galaicu-Paun, Robert Serban, Ioan Morar, Romulus Bucur, Gheorghe Mocuta, Michael Astner, Ioan Pintea, Augustin Fratila, Daniel Piscu, Tudor Cretu, Dan Sociu, Dan Coman, Claudiu Komartin, Elena Vladareanu, Marin Malaicu Hondrari, Razvan Tupa, Cosmin Perta, Stefan Manasia, Radu Vancu).
It was great to see that most of the poets managed to keep the public alert with their 10 minutes performances. A surprising and powerfull display of poetic tendences.

Then it was the Ars Amandi Festival in Rome. Poets writing in Romanian, French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish met and debated on themes like "biography in Poetry" and "Visual Arts and Poetry".
At the Academia di Romania and in the Nuevo Teatro Colosseo were Julieta Dobles Izaguirre, Elisabeth Marin Diaz (Costa Rica), Luis Vicente Aguinaga (Mexic), Tatiana Arguello (Nicaragua), Sarah Carrère (Senegal), Oscar de Pablo Hammeken (Mexic), Inmaculada Salas Moreno, Alexandra Dominguez (Spania), Hughes Labrusse (Franta), Eduardo Pitta (Portugalia), Tony Raful (Republica Dominicana), Julien Kilanga Musinde (Congo), Irina Nechit (Republica Moldova) and from Romania Simona Popescu, Elena Vladareanu, Ioana Nicolaie, Razvan Tupa, Florin Dumitrescu.

As you cn see, a lot of poets that had verry different views on poetry and writing.

For the end of the month it was a festival of underground literature in Club A in Bucharest. The "No name Festival" had three days of projections, readings and presentations of projects focused on literature wih a non-mainstream aproach.
Stange but, after about six years since the first events we put in Club A, at the end of the Festival it was some kind of sad feeling of old friends that meet each other only ath these kind of events.

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